Wednesday, May 28, 2014

D.I.Y. SAFE sunscreen

Before going out into the sun, we do a few things around here.  First- no bathing.  Your skin has an oil base that provides a natural 6 spf.  When the average person bathes, they use a soap that strips the oils from the skin.  This eliminates your natural protective barrier.
Personally we haven't used soap in years, but use coconut oil to wash with.  This, if you have to shower- would make due.  Next, I use a hat on occasion- but NO sunglasses- at least not ones with the UV blocker.  Why?  Your body can't produce the proper amount of melanin to combat the suns exposure if it is blocked by those sunglasses with the "UV" protective lenses.   In other words- if your eyes can't see the danger, your body can't produce weapons for the war.
Keep hydrated, and of course, eat your greens.  Your body helps fight off too much sun best if it is nourished best.  Those who eat an alkaline based diet and those who consume the right kinds of fats- ie: omega-3 and omega-6 fats- do great in keeping the burn away.  In other words- if you eat real- get rid of the sugar and processed foods and take your body back to what it was meant to be- you will have a more real response to the sun.  Would you ever grill a doughnut? Not unless you want something charred and nasty. Kind of like cooking with the wrong oil in the kitchen- you won't have a high smoke point.

A few natural oils/carrier oils work well for creating the perfect mix.  In my research over the past 3 years, I have found the most consistent SPF rating came from carrot seed oil at around 38-40.  I have looked and looked, but so far the claim that red raspberry seed oil is the highest has not been sufficiently proven.  It is claimed to have a range of 28-50.  That spectrum is too broad for me to feel confident backing any further than the low end.
There is always the option of adding Zinc- but I have found it to become harder to find a true non-nano zinc.  Anything below 100nm or .99nm down is nano and is absorbable.  There are even manufacturers who promote their Zinc being non nano by having there be some non nano particle sizes in with the rest of which is nano.  Most of the time I find non-nano particle Zinc that files in the range of 110-130nm to qualify into the safe zone... but then you get the white color that some people are self conscious of. Of course we all need trace zinc in our system, but in sun screen, it is not necessary and it can be toxic.

Here is what I use for our sunscreen and it works well for us.

1/2 cup grapeseed oil (4spf)- I have also used almond oil in place
1/2 cup Shea (4 spf)
1/2 cup Coconut oil (4 spf)
1/3 cup aloe juice from aloe plant
2 T bees wax
1/4 cup green tea- or distilled water- your choice
If we are going to have long exposure to the sun or even be traveling to a higher location above sea level, I add 30 drops of carrot seed oil (38-40spf)

I use my large aloe plants to harvest the gel from.  If you do not have Aloe plants, I would possibly try the liquid aloe from the store in the pharmacy section.

In a double boiler, melt down the oils and wax.  Pour off into a separate glass container such as a glass bowl or jar.  Allow to cool.  If in a warmer climate, set in the fridge for 15 or more minutes to firm up but still allow for pliability.  You will know when it is ready because the color becomes much cloudier.  Begin a continuous steady thin stream of the aloe/green tea into the oils all the while mixing with an emulsifier or in your blender.  I have in the past used a whisk but getting the temperature of the oil and the time involved was tricky.  Be cautious not to over mix and the end result will be a white whipped cream.  I separate off into 4 oz Mason jars and store in the fridge but keep one in the travel bag.

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