Monday, April 28, 2014

Paleo approved? W.J.E.I. DAY 1- meal 1

After quite a few emails with a friend from back in my hometown- she put a bug in my ear that maybe all the information I had absorbed about the Paleo diet was heavily one sided, misguided and those writing said blogs might have had a touch of false omniscience.

I am more than interested- always looking to fine tune my diet to work for my body.
Since I have not had a chance to research the suggested reading my friend gave me- I will be checking if my friend, Jodi, approves of my current meals. I figured I would try to see how many meals that I make this week actually fit the mold for this diet....I already consider myself healthy- so- we shall see.
When the week is over and I have hopefully read what she suggested I will have a much better idea about the details...

I call this set of recipes W.J.E.I. or Would Jodi Eat It?

Lacto fermentation is an important part of my diet- with that being said...

I took about a cup of my Kimchi
**(or Kimchee or Gimchi) I made from my overstock of vegetables in the garden from last fall**
1/4" julienne both half a carrot and half a zucchini and dry fried them on a cast iron pan.  
Put a teaspoon of coconut oil on heated cast iron skillet and half cook half steam a duck egg

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