Thursday, April 24, 2014

Healing salve for little knees

The day before Easter- I took my children to mass.  2 hours later I felt like I had been set up.  Honestly.  I am sure it would have been an absolutely beautiful night had my children been raised to expect what was expected of them in what they deemed "the quiet church".  Clearly- my children were not raised Catholic.  When we walked in, E, my son, was handed a candle.... lit.  I began to watch him carefully as his expression grew into one of adventure.  Before I knew it he was dripping wax all over the Easter vigil paperwork... I took said candle away.... He begged for it back- in a church that you are expected to behave and be.s.i.l.e.n.t.- well I obliged and reluctantly handed it back.  It took 2 seconds.  It was like slow motion.... he leaned forward- candle in one hand and pew right in front of him- he hesitated long enough to begin to scorch the pew then lift the bible out of the pocket right next to it to use as fuel to finish his diabolical plan.... this is when I blew it out and then headed to the back of the church where the BABIES have to go....with a 3...almost 4 year old and a 6 year old.  At one point the kids were upside down on the stairs to the belfry acting possessed... Okay, who am I kidding, They stayed like that most of the time...for the next 1.5 hours.

It was a disaster.

Finally I sent them outside to wait it out.  Oh, did I mention at this point it was 10:30pm?!?!  Before I knew it E was knocking on the church doors trying to get me.  W had fallen very hard down a slanted cement wall and tore her leggings away from her knees and she was bleeding- she was trying hard not to cry but it was not working .

After getting home and in their pj's- well after 11pm- we had to make a healing salve with what we had on hand...

We don't keep hydrocortisone in the house for the reasons of its toxicity for thinning the skin among others.

We grabbed a tiny vile from the craft closet.  It probably holds about 1 tablespoon.  We added about 1/3 part vitamin e liquid, 1/4 teaspoon honey, then tossed in 13 yarrow blossoms and a small bit of yarrow and topped it off with melted coconut oil.  Once combined- I placed the cap back on it and set in a cup of hot water to steep the flower/ flower root mixture.  It transformed into a sweet almond scent that healed her knees so well.  The bloody scrapes were about the size of 50 cent pieces with pieces of flesh hanging off of they look mollified and about the size of a penny.  Very fast healing and with no side effects!

The following herb flowers can easily be found in your yard or ditch.  
I will post something with photos very soon!
Coconut oil:  healing. Antibacterial. Amazing- I need to do an entire page on it.
Yarrow- I deadhead the flowers and grab up the leaves to help with fevers and colds .  Helps with infection.
Comfry: It heals skin.  reproduces and stimulates skin cell reproduction..... sometimes so fast, when you put it on a cut it can form a scar from the restructure of skin cells at such a rapid rate.
Vitamin E:  healing properties for skin

**Disclaimer:  I am not a doctor- but I play one at home. These are things that work for us- proven by thousands of years of others doing it this way by those who forage the earth- but you must do what works for you or what your doctor advises you of.


  1. Replies
    1. I usually don't have a vile last longer than a month and have never had an issue. Most likely the only reason it would "age" before its expected time is if the flower/root was not dehydrated properly. Any moisture will cause the coconut oil to rot quickly. If I were to keep it around longer, I might keep it in the fridge. The oils keep quite well and the antibacterial and antifungal properties keep any germs on you might transfer with your fingers at bay.
