Saturday, March 22, 2014

Sap Cooking DAY #1

A favorite snack in our house is carrot fries.  The kids like them with either Montreal Steak seasoning or brown sugar and cinnamon.... myself?  Ancho chili, lime and a bit of honey with cilantro.  
It was freezing cold out today.  Not to mention the absolutely angry wind!  
I knew the time was coming for the kids and I to head out to gather another run of sap and begin to cook- so I tossed some carrots in the roaster.

Then I got a phone call from M to come start the Sap chores for the day....

This is the set up start.  A barrel to build the height and act as a smoke vacuum, a chimney to vacate the smoke and a bunch of adolescent boys to cook their lunch .

One of the sisters said "Amanda,  see that cow way out there?  
Yeah, she is going to have a baby any day now"

I set off to collect sap with a few of the sisters.

We came back and saw a few of the boys were out in the field....looking at the new baby calf!!!

I couldn't go out with them to check the new lil moo maker out because I freaking remembered I left the carrots on in the roaster!
Back to my house I went.

Grabbed my other lens and headed back to the farm to catch these sweet photos.

Sap table set up.  Cees really knows what he is doing.

Everyone wants to help

Cap it off on the end and check it every three hours for about 3 days

My kids whined and whined- I couldn't even reprimand them for poor sportsmanship seeing as I wanted to whine just as loudly as they were.  It was freezing cold!

Once we got back to the house- the kids got right in the tub and asked for carrots that were not black.

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