Friday, March 21, 2014

Farmer Days

Yesterday I went to a One Stop about 20 minutes from my home.  It is declared "Farmer Days".  This is like Black Friday for farmers.  This years theme for the event was "Roaring 20's".  It was a madhouse.  Seed reps and reps for things I am sure I don't want to know about were all over the place.... oh, and they had a polka was nothing short of what one would expect to see during Farmer Days.  And yes, I was looked at oddly because I had a camera and I was standing vs sitting in the audience located between the Dewalt drills and Horse blinders.

To replenish the J Farm, I bought udder cream, udder wash and some 6 1/2" filters.  While Marguerite was informing me about an "all natural" udder cream- we had a rep come up and persuade her to buy his product.  I am going to look into it- since it is "udder cream"  and is usually super safe, it tends to work better than lanolin on nursing mothers.

Now, at these festivities there are copious amounts of Brats, "pop" and malts.  Some of these farmer stores even have the occasional beer is found in a hand or two.

Later in the day, 2 helpers and I went out to our section of the woods to marry the sap.  It seems to be really running.  I do have a concern about the random tree that doesn't seem to be producing on one half.  It seems to be "leaking".  I am off to check it now.....
My two little helpers turned into little fairies

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