Monday, July 7, 2014

Dry Shampoo for light or dark hair

Every winter I have my favorite salon lady drastically change my hair.  Most of the time she takes me from very blonde to very dark...and then tells me to stop washing my hair more than once a week because said dark color wants to be washed out from my blonde color.  

I know it is coming every winter, and every winter I am shocked.
This year- I finally got into the habit of leaving the hair wash out of the daily routine...but I still get all desperate and at some point I realize I have run out of dry shampoo spray. 
First dilemma- it is expensive.  Second: it is full of nasty chemicals.  Lastly- well, there isn't a single place within a 2 hour round trip that sells it.

Finally- I found what works for me and I always have the ingredients on hand in the kitchen.

3 T Corn Starch
1 T Arrowroot Powder

- and if I happen to have my hair dark- I add cocoa powder a bit at a time to make the powder darker in order to match the current color.  Just make sure it is unsweetened.

Mix all together and funnel it into a container that can be sealed (I like old herb bottles with a shake top).  Make sure to blend the cocoa powder well!


  1. I have never used dry shampoo. How do you get it in and does it rub in?

    1. I use an herb container and those seem to usually have a "sprinkle" top. Either shake in and blend with finger tips or sprinkle into the top and use a makeup style brush to dip and "paint" into hair.
