Wednesday, April 29, 2015

AIP Dairy Free RANCH

I love flavor and complexity- I don't necessarily need sauce but lately... well, lately I have been needing some sauce- 
On a lot of days where I am overwhelmed by homeschooling, editing photos for weddings or just exhausted from getting my half acre garden prepped- I tend to just roast some sweet potatoes or carrots and dive into a salad.  While I never tire from roasted veggies with salt- I do eventually frown at quick salads with little inspiration.

I recently came across a recipe for dairy free ranch.  Being on AIP style eating I was interested until I saw the first ingredient was mayo.  I skimmed through the ingredients and tossed together my own version with what I had on hand.

1 can coconut milk
1 whole avocado
3 large garlic cloves diced tiny then smeared with the flat side of my blade
1 T dried dill
1 t  dried parsley
3 green onions diced thinly then chopped
1 t salt 
about 1/4 c apple cider vinegar- enough to thin to desired consistency 

As much as a good 1 t of fresh black pepper would be in this- strict AIP doesn't allow it- So... I just add a few extra cloves of garlic and a bit more onion to spice it up a bit.
If you can't tolerate raw garlic and onion- I would suggest dry roasting them until tender at a high temperature to bring out the depth then pureeing them into the liquid once cool.

Once all ingredients are in my quart mason jar- I use an emulsion blender to finish it off.  You must give the flavors time to merry.  At least an hour- or better- overnight.

It is not quite the ranch I recall, but it is also not far off in comparison if done right- it is not only a decent copycat but it is divinely creamy, deep and a great alternative to all the fresh bright vinaigrette dressings I've been making since January. 

Every night we go on our forage walk to collect half of our salad.  Tonight we were thrilled to see Lamb's Quarters sprouting everywhere.  Of course we harvested a ton of wild Violets and Dandelion leaves.  As you can see below- E eats more than he brings back:)

Before they all vanish- I will harvest several cups of these wild Violets and make jelly out of them.

Baby sprouted Lamb's Quarters that most people pull out of their garden or lawn convinced they are obnoxious weeds-  Tender, mild and a great addition to any salad.

While the blossoms, leaves and Lamb's Quarters were intended for the salad....they never quite made it in tonight. 

Like I said- I never fail to love roasted veggies with salt, but this is a staple duo-dip-dressing on many quick meals during the week. 

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